
If there wa sadness present at the end of last season, because the season has ended, there is happyness present at the beginning of this season, knowing that it`s all going to start soon.
The situation when everyone is watching you and comparing with you is very funny at times . By nature, I am still that little girl from Črna, who finds peace at any time she desires . But it is a matter of habit and life really would not be interesting if there were no such challenges .
You only really live when you're outside your comfort . When there is a presence of doubts , fears , fright , uncertainty , and and other less pleasant beleives . Use every day to make the maximum out of it . Nothing else. No medal, no record, no points . Be the best that you can at any given moment!
The desire to prove myself will never leave me, no matter how many eyes are on me . Now we start from scratch . All that was is forgotten. You can already feel the engines warming up, generating different voices . Some are more tuned up, others less. When they release us from the boxes it will be seen, who has the most horses.
I hope you have fun with me further , that together we create some pranks together, rejoice at successes or cry at defeats. All this is life. And it`s beautiful.
No Fear!
Let it be!
Every single day is a battle I know That I have this on their own,
I'm on a trail I'm Meant to blaze tomorrow before me,
I gotta do it no matter what I'm a woman on fire,
Gotta try to be strong and get you shouting COME ON, COME ON!
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